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Shoulda Coulda Woulda . . .

I coulda shoulda woulda,” is either a mocking phrase designed for insensitive people to ridicule those who never took the risk to advance an element of their lives, or it is a word of regret expressing the failings of those who never mustered the courage to try, as well as those who realize they have been too comfortable in their unburdened lives to carry a load for a higher glory. In either case, it is a reference to the past, and to missed opportunities. Its utterance, especially by those who are regretful, is one which helps to imprison them into a tomb of self-loathing and resignation. There’s nothing good about it.

It’s opposite is the phrase, “I will.” This expression is one of future intent. And that’s its problem. Human beings too often are quick to proclaim an “I will” without ever mobilizing a true intent. They fool themselves into a belief that they possess resolute direction, and then mindlessly overlook their eventual inaction. Sometimes, the same human beings have mobilized true intent, but have not quelled their love of earthly pleasure or comfort. Both failures neutralize any force of determination. “I will” then becomes an impotent expression that never finds fruition. When spoken by a person who has not really committed their heart to a task, the phrase is meaningless. It is noise, and mist, and empty lies. It is irresponsibility.

But the phrase, “I will,” is very different for the person who has forged a true intent, and committed both heart and spirit to that intent. That person's “I will” is always evidenced at some point by an “I am doing.” When you are doing some action that is aimed at some goal, you are exercising and evincing your faith. Faith always produces behavioral results. It is never static or still. If you say that you believe God has a plan for your life, then you will be seeking out that plan, and putting it into action. If you say that you believe that you are a part of the body of Christ, you will be acting on that belief to determine what part of the body you are. If you believe there is a path for Christians to run, then you will not be running aimlessly (1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Matthew 28:19-20). Instead you will be disciplining yourself, and you will be doing what is necessary to finish that race, and to help your teammates do the same.

Do not find yourself one day looking miserably on missed opportunities to shine the glory of God. Do not make empty expressions of intent. Instead, commit your faith, test it, and employ it in the advancement of God’s kingdom and the winning of the race that you most surely are running if you are a follower of Christ.



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