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Dear God

Dear God – Thank you for providing us fathers.  Thank you for those fathers who have sacrificed their time and their own desires so that their wives and their children can both be loved as well as feel loved. Thank you for the fathers who have provided. Thank you for the fathers who have stayed through difficulty and darkness..  Thank you for the fathers who have brought life.  Thank you for those fathers who have brought discipline, instruction, and guidance with a spirit of firmness, kindness, and love. Thank you for the fathers who lift up mothers, and that support them and help them. Thank you God for the fathers who have worshiped in spirit and in truth. Thank you for those fathers who have modeled Jesus, followed him, and led their families to him.

Lord, I pray that you shine before all fathers so that they cannot ignore you.  For those who know you already,  I ask that you shine in such a way that their families can see you in them.  And for those who don’t know you, I ask that you shine in such a way that the path to your forgiveness and acceptance is clear, undeniable, and unmistakable so that all other paths before them are dimmed in comparison to yours.

Lord I ask that you bless fathers with the strength to live out their roles with enthusiasm.  I ask that you bless them with the wisdom to discern your will.  I ask that you bless them with others who can be entwined in their lives so much so that their strength, resolve, direction and spirit is multiplied many times by the power you place individually in the lives of them all. I ask that you forge Godly friendships and Godly alliances in those who are fathers.  God, I ask that you bring purpose, and guide them to lead their families.  Most of all, Lord, I ask that you help them to follow the example of your son in every domain of their lives.

I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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