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A Prayer for the New Year

Dear God in Heaven, I want to thank you for all that you have given Fellowship Church. Thank you for a pastor who loves God, and who is filled with his Holy Spirit. Thank you for a ministry assistant who connects so well with people, and who keeps track of so many things. Give them both strength and wisdom and patience. Thank you for deacons that minister to our people. Thank you for the lives that have been changed in our midst as they submitted to you through the love of your servants at Fellowship. Thank you for our facilities, and our lack of debt.

Lord, as we move into the new year, I pray that you do great things through us. I do not pray for things that just look great, or that grow our esteem in the area, but things that are truly great. I pray earnestly that you impact our communities in profound, undeniable ways, so that when people see those impacts, they see your presence among us. Make yourself known through our obedience to you. Lord, do a new thing among us. I pray that your Spirit flow into our communities as we do what you have called us to do.

Lord I pray that you increase the spiritual discipline of our people. That you place in them an urge to pray, and to fast, and to obey. I pray that you increase in them a desire to serve, and that you touch the lives of people through the lives in Fellowship. Resound from the hearts of our people, and echo through their voices as they live Godly lives in a lost world.

As they live their Godly lives in a lost world, I ask that you give them courage and boldness to proclaim to others who don’t know you, what you have done for them. Compel them, God, to invite others into our faith community, so that those others may experience your love through us. Lord, as you increase their spiritual disciplines, I ask that you increase our numbers. Bring more people to us Lord, and give us the ability to water them and shepherd them with your word, and your love.

As you grow us in spiritual discipline and in numbers, I ask that you grow us in finances. Lord give us wisdom to use those finances in a way that best meets the needs of your kingdom, and that advances your cause.

I ask that you bless the world through us. I ask this in Jesus name, amen.

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