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A Prayer for Mothers

Dear God in Heaven-

Thank you for mothers. They are one of your greatest provisions to us. They have nurtured us, grown us, disciplined us, worried for us, guided us, fed us, cleaned us, prayed for us, modeled love for us, and held us. They are indispensable to our communities. Not just because they birthed us and established our populations, but also because they have cultivated and cultured us.

I thank you Lord for your wisdom in giving us mothers who point us to Christ in their very form and role. Is there any good mother who is not, like Christ, a suffering servant? She suffers in the pangs of birth. She suffers in caring for the infant, then the toddler, and then the child. Dear God does she suffer in caring for the teen. She suffers in the pangs of separation as the teen becomes an adult and moves into a world where she knows full well the hostility, danger, darkness, and temptations that lurk there.

Thank you for the strength that you have given them — the strength to see through the veil of suffering, and visualize the potential of the children you gave them. Thank you for the grit that you gave them to push forward and make the potential real.

Thank you for the beauty with which you have blessed all good mothers. I pray, Lord, that you make that beauty shine in splendor, and to reflect your goodness in every place where they walk. Fix the eyes of their children on that beauty, so that in it they may see your glory and brilliance. Lord, I pray that our community and our nation will honor our mothers, not just so that we may have a long life (Exodus 20:12), but that we may also be adorned with their beauty and radiance through the wisdom they bestow (Proverbs 1:8-9).

I pray that you give every mother peace today. I ask that in their hearts you place an assurance of the meaning they have in the lives of those they’ve born. May their children recognize the worth of their mothers. Place in their houses, laughter, love, kindness, peace, and a high honor for you.

Dear Lord, thank you for mothers. I make these requests in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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